Strongarm Digital Marketing

How Strongarm Digital Marketing went from taking only 3-4 discovery Calls/mo to Closing 3 Clients in one month

“It’s a lot less stress in terms of figuring out your growth.

I was almost surprised at how quick the turnaround time was to start seeing new calls booked.

And in that first week, I was getting conversations going with people that were very good leads. It just takes a lot of the stress off figuring out where the next client comes from.”

What We Did:

How we made this success

When Dustin started working with us, he was heavily relying on referrals and was only taking 3-4 discovery calls per month, which was obviously not facilitating the growth he wanted in his agency. With his CRO and copywriting background he had no problems delivering fantastic results for the clients he did close. However, he simply had no process to predictably add new clients every month.

We hopped on a call and figured out the biggest levers we could pull in his agency to facilitate growth fast.

We isolated their ideal client down to three separate local business niches that we could reach out to. We then used the fantastic case studies he had from current clients to create a no-brainer offer. We were able to sell a transformation to these small business owners instead of taking a pitch heavy approach.

After the offer and ideal client were dialed in, we bought all the domains and email accounts on his behalf so we could start sending a good amount of volume out of the gate.

Then we scrapped a list of 2,000 verified leads for each of the three verticales we could target.

We started working together on the 19th of July, 2023, and after building the foundations, we launched his new campaigns on Aug 7th, 2023.

The first day of launching campaigns we booked a meeting immediately with one of Dustin’s ideal clients. In the first month alone we booked him 16 calls.

As we continued to refine Dustin’s ideal client the lead quality continued to improve and contributed to a significant increase in closing rates.

Now after working with us for 9 weeks, he was able to close 3 new clients alone in the month of September and never has to guess about where his next client is coming from.

Our Results-Based Guarantee

If you qualify to work with us, we can guarantee you, in writing, that you’ll close at least 1 new client in the first 30 days, or you do not pay

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“For an agency owner that is listening, and you do something similar to what we do, and you are looking for more clients.

I would go as far as saying if you don’t engage with Luke, you are probably making a mistake.

And we are happy that we didn’t make that mistake.”

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